Raise Healthy Eaters with Maryann Jacobsen

Healthy Diet

Have you ever wondered why you eat what you eat? I am sure most of us have heard about that famous phrase “You are what you eat,” and guess what? That is certainly true. When we are brought into this world, we know nothing. We are taught many things as we grow up. Day by day we learn everything from how to eat, how to walk, how to talk and so many other important activities for our lives. The most important thing that most grown-ups may know, but do not put in practice, is the benefits children get from a good healthy diet. The importance of a healthy and balanced diet to an infant is significantly essential for their early development and later outcomes.

As many of us may know, a parent is not only the one who provides us with a roof to live, it is also the important factor that will raise us. By “raise us” I mean parenting and nurturing us. Most likely we are going to follow their steps such us, how they talk, how they eat, what they eat, how they walk, etc. It is really important for parents to know about nutrition so they won’t make mistakes by feeding us the wrong foods. How many of us blame our parents for letting us eat whatever we felt like eating? How many of us wished our parents will have known better about nutrition? I am definitely one of those! The blog that I am interested in is about teaching parents the right way to feed their kids with nutritious meals.

Maryann Jacobsen is a Registered Dietitian and the blogger for “Raise Healthy Eaters.” She is a family nutrition expert who has been working with families for a long time. Her authentic design educates parents how to make healthy meals and how to have a healthier lifestyle. I found her blog unique. She not only blogs about facts from books, but she also does research. Her experience working in nursing homes, hospitals and corporations with people of various ages and backgrounds have taught her different approaches on how people should incorporate a nutritious diet.

The blog is designed to help parents educate their children with the importance of having a healthy diet. Her personal examples and guidelines make her blog easier to read and her personality shows through. Personally, the blog design is not as attractive as some other blogs; the aesthetic could be more colorful and remain simple. The way her blog is intended to be is for people to easily understand nutrition. Her writing is in first person and it is formal in regard to other blogs that I have seen, but informal enough that her target audience will have a better understanding and perspective.

The information Maryann provides is accurate statements from other sources along with research she does herself. Most of her posts are cited but some are not cited properly. She engages her readers by using her own experiences with her family and friends. I would like to write in a way that engages my audience the way she does. I would like to set an example for my readers through personal stories and make them feel like they are not only talking to a nutritionist, but a friend.

Link to Maryann’s blog site: http://www.raisehealthyeaters.com/

Image Retrieved from https://www.flickr.com/photos/usdagov/8412940480/

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