The Plant-Powered Blog

The Plant-Powered Blog

The Plant-Powered Blog is a very well organized resource for vegans, vegetarians, or anyone looking to incorporate more whole plant foods into his or her life.   Sharon Palmer, RDN shares her passion for a plant-based diet through not only her blog posts, but also her two books, her database of recipes, and links to her videos and many published works.  It is clear that she a very accomplished journalist as well as dietitian.  Sharon’s argument for a plant-based diet is backed by the fact that some of the oldest cultures in the world have traditionally eaten a whole-food, plant diet and only recently have American strayed so far from this ideology that their bodies have fallen into such disrepair.


photo credit: Briana Adams

The format of Sharon’s blog is what initially piqued my interest.  Her dependable, rotating schedule of blog topics gives readers reason to subscribe because they know what to expect.  They can count on original recipes with nutritional analyses, interviews with other veg professionals, and a gallery of photos to be populating their in-boxes throughout every week. I am especially fond of “Tip Tuesday,” where she offers advice on maintaining a plant-based diet and even introduces the reader to unusual or interesting fruits and vegetables in a straightforward, scientific way.  One of my favorite posts is “How to Use a Pomelo.”  I love the idea of simply presenting the reader with an interesting fruit, explaining what it is and how it can fit into a healthy diet, and letting them incorporate it into their life the way they see fit– or not!  “Science Saturday” is another one of my favorite topics.  Sharon’s “Science Saturday” boasts posts that reference articles and research initiatives that confirm what she already knows- a plant-based diet is the way to go!  These articles provide up-to-date findings on the numerous known benefits of a plant-based diet on the economy, environment, and the health of the human body.

Her posts tend to be on the scientific side at times, but not out of the reach of the lay person’s understanding, and I personally find it refreshing to read a blog that treats the reader as if she is the expert on her own nutrition- which of course we all are!  This is something I would especially want to incorporate into my own blogging.  I would want to give my readers more than just a superficial understanding of the food they are eating by not just offering healthy options, but also giving more in-depth detail as to how and why that food can benefit their health.


photo credit: Briana Adams

Overall, it is clear that Sharon Palmer, RD is the premier resource for vegetarians, vegans, curious omnivores, and media outlets alike.  Her career is so dedicated to truly informing her readers about the benefits of every facet of a plant-based diet, that it is hard not to be drawn in by this blog.  There are so many resources here that you could almost consider it a one-stop shop for the answers to any “what’s,” “where’s,” “why’s,” or “how’s” of vegetarianism.  The Plant-Powered Blog by Sharon Palmer, RD is a real gem that I will be eagerly investigating for some time.

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