Nutrition and Exercise Smoothie  

Since I move to the Unites States 4 years ago, I have been interested in the topic of nutrition. There are various reasons as to why this particular topic caught my eye. The type of nutrition in America that contributes to cardiovascular disease and the methods such as sodas refills and portion sizes that restaurants use to make one overeat when you eat out is especially interesting. Some people eat out of control and other people simply eat very little. The key to maintaining a healthy life is to control the portions you eat and constant exercise, without having the necessity to be on a constant diet. This is exactly what Chritine Ardigo talks about in her blog “Nutrition and Exercise Smoothie” that caught my attention. She chose to name her blog this way because it has a combination of recipes of delicious and nutritious whole foods and tips on how to exercise in order to improve overall health.

Christine Ardigo is a registered dietitian who graduated from C.W. Post College with a Bachelors Degree in Nutrition. She also obtained a Masters Degree in Exercise Physiology and became a certified personal trainer. All this education and experience makes her blog more credible with accurate information, which assures us that she knows what she is talking about in her blog. When she introduces herself in the blog she does it in a very humorous way. She highlights the fact that she became a registered dietitian, not a nutritionist, because “a nutritionist could be anyone who picked up a book, read it, and called himself a nutritionist”.

She addresses her blog in a very informal way to all kinds of people: “The ones that work full time, have children and a home to juggle. The ones that have a busy social life, attend college or run a business. People that want to learn how to help themselves but need a little (or a lot) of motivation.” Not only does she talk about nutrition and exercise, but also shares stories and tips that motivate and inspire people to follow her advice. The blog has four categories: nutrition, fitness, motivation, and inspiration. Every category has a message worth reading and advice worth following.

She designed the blog in a very simple way but at the same time it is full of information. Besides the four categories, she has an introduction to her blog and a mini biography so readers can get to know her better. She also has a contact section for readers to find her on other social media such as Facebook and Twitter. In addition, there is a copious amount of nutritious recipes that will allow you to enjoy delicious foods guilt free. Furthermore, she has “testimonials and guest blog posts” where she puts either her posts that have appeared in famous magazines/websites or famous nutritionist’s posts.

I would like to incorporate into my blog her passion, humor and dedication towards nutrition and exercise. Just by reading her blog, one can sense how much she cares for helping to make people live a healthier lifestyle. Are you craving ice cream? Eat it! But eat one scoop, not three. The key to health is to allowing yourself to eat everything you’d like as long as it is eaten in moderation, because everything done in excess has consequences, even exercise, as ironic as that may sound.

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