Fitness is Life.

For this New Year, instead of making the usual, redundant fitness related resolution; I have decided to take on new, challenging goals while on my fitness journey. Being that I am already very active and do my best to eat right (despite being tempted by the college life), I find that I should push myself to see what I can really accomplish with my fitness. My biggest goal is to run my first half marathon this summer in Pittsburgh. Since the holiday season, with all its delicious food and cookies, has come to an end, I have officially started my training. Not really knowing how to start or how I should feed my body after the extensive physical activity I do daily, I have decided to research what other fitness fanatics have found to be the best routines and meals.

My search stopped when I found blogger, Melissa Majumdar. Melissa is a Registered Dietitian, personal trainer, and currently a Master’s student in Nutrition and Fitness. The main purpose of her blog is to share her sports nutrition knowledge with all athletes, and it does exactly that. Melissa not only posts about general nutrition, but also talks about how you should recovery from different workouts/runs along with how to prevent injury! Like any great nutritionist, she also posts recipes that look delicious and are healthy (of course). In fact, the topics and information drew me so far into the blog that I found it hard to pick only one to read. I love that almost all her posts relate to what I enjoy doing or things that I have questions about.

The one that caught my eye first was her most recent post on “Rehab and Injury Prevention”. The information given goes along with my Athletic Training class that I am currently taking this semester so I found it interesting to see what she has to say about it. In the first part of the post she talks about how to eat right while in rehab where you are expending low amounts of energy. She states that it is crucial to reduce the inflammation in your injury by eating foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids and to include protein to repair the damaged tissues. In her explanation of both nutrients, she also lists the best sources of foods you can eat that are delicious yet will keep you looking lean while you’re off from working out. All the different advice given in the post is also good to follow in order to prevent yourself from injury and to avoid having to go through rehab in the first place. I was interesting to look at injury prevention from a nutritional side of the topic rather than the physical aspects that we cover in class.

Overall, I really enjoy this blog and most likely will keep it bookmarked for future questions or if I’m just looking for a good read. The design is neatly laid out with a decorative background that is fun and appealing to the eyes. The idea of incorporating recipes and pictures is something that I think engages the reader and is a practice that I want to incorporate into my own blogging style. I also really enjoy that her writing style is laid-back but still teaches you something about nutrition. It makes the blogs easier to read, understand, and enjoy. I definitely will be following her advice and trying out a couple of her yummy looking recipes during my training! Maybe this will be my first one…


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