Eat Real Live Well

One of my favorite blogs is by a former professor of mine from Bucks County Community College, her name is Kelly R. Jones.  Mrs. Jones is a registered dietician and was a former athlete at the University of Connecticut.  On her website,, her main focus is to offer people tips, tricks, and recipes to help them live a healthy, and balanced lifestyle.  She believes in eating 100% natural food, which will help you achieve any health goals you may have.  One great thing about her blog is that she organizes her blog into categories.  On the left hand side she has a list of categories such as: breakfast, food prep, holidays, meatless meals, nutrition tips, etc.  With this organization, it is so easy for the reader to find exactly what he or she wants to read and learn about at that given time.  Her posts are not just about the same old boring nutrition stuff that you often here about; such as: eat this much protein, or watch your saturated fats.  These are two examples of important things healthy people need to be aware of, but Mrs. Jones takes a different approach, she relays this information to people by way of her recipes, her holiday tips, snacking tips, etc.  This way the reader can directly apply these things into their diet without getting bored with science.

One of the main reasons I really enjoy this blog is because she puts her own twist on to everything she posts.  She often posts healthy recipes, but as she said herself, “I can rarely follow a recipe verbatim, so I like to mix it up a little bit.”  For her blog followers this is great because everyone likes to try different things and if you use her recipes, it’s not gonna be the same old stuff everyone else is promoting.  Another thing I like about this blog is that she is not extremely formal in her writing.  I like this because on some blogs, that are much too formal for me, I tend to get bored and I feel like I am reading a textbook.  This isn’t the case on Eat Real Live Well.  Since she writes as if she is actually talking to you, her personality really shines through, which is awesome for keeping the reader interested and involved.  As I said before, a great way she reaches her readers is by providing tons of awesome and creative recipes.  Honestly, I have never heard of some of these ingredients and healthy foods she puts on her blog.  I have tried several of the recipes and obviously, they are very healthy and extremely tasty.  I love to try new healthy things and this blog is great for that.
By far my favorite post of hers is her post regarding food prep.  What prompted her to post this is that an often used excuse is that people do not have enough time to eat healthy.  Well, in her post she discredit’s that excuse by giving examples of how she food preps to live her healthy lifestyle while leading an extremely busy life.  In this post especially she gives examples of how she puts these practices into action, which, in my opinion, really gives some credibility to the post and gives me confidence that it would also work in my life.

Overall, this is a great blog that I would recommend to everyone.  I admire her organization as well as her commitment to posting on her blog regularly in order to help others live a healthy life.  Please visit  for a great read on living a healthy, nutritious life.

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