Positively Healthy

They say practice makes perfect, but does anyone ever really reach perfection? As humans we often set unrealistic expectations for ourselves only to be disappointed in the end. As a former perfectionist I can admit to setting impractical goals for myself. My previous mindset lead to a lifestyle of restrictive eating and over-exercising. No matter how skinny I was, I was never skinny enough. No matter how many miles I ran, I would always push myself to do more. I soon realized that I would never be “perfect,” the standards I had set for myself were too high. That’s exactly what drew me in to Rebecca Scritchfield’s “Positively Healthy Blog.”

Photo courtesy of rebeccascritchfield.wordpress.com

Photo courtesy of rebeccascritchfield.wordpress.com

Rebecca is a registered dietitian, nutritionist, and health fitness specialist. Through her counseling practice, Capitol Nutrition Group, Rebecca provides counseling to clients with eating disorders – the field I hope to work in. She also provides sports nutrition counseling for athletes of all ages. What I  like most about Rebecca’s approach is that she doesn’t expect her clients to follow a set regime of restrictive rules. Instead, she helps them learn new habits to improve their lives both mentally and physically.

One post that really stood out to me was her most recent one, “Being OK With Being Imperfect.” In this post she explains how perfectionism gets in the way of a healthy lifestyle. She goes on to discuss that the expectations we set for ourselves often lead to feelings of failure and self judgement, which are counterproductive of the goals we set out to achieve in the first place. All the advice given in this article is effective in helping you achieve a positive mindset before tackling your health goals. Rebecca assures her readers that it is okay to be imperfect. In fact, she encourages it,“Be rationally imperfect. Tolerate the fact that you want to be doing more, but what you can do, you will do and that’s good enough for right now” (Scritchfield).

Overall, I really enjoyed this blog. The lay out is designed very neatly and decorated with fresh colors, making it easy on the eyes. What I enjoyed most about this blog is Rebecca’s “you can do it challenge” at the end of each post which gives a short summary of the article and lists small changes that you can make in order to live an overall healthier lifestyle. This is something that I would like to incorporate into my blogging as I found it helpful, reassuring, and very encouraging. I also really enjoyed her laid back yet informative writing style, it made her blogs easy to understand and enjoy. I will definitely incorporate this style in my blogging. Another thing I admired about this blog was the delicious (and nutritious) recipes she posted along with food products that she enjoys. The pictures of the selected recipes and products make them more appealing to the reader, almost pushing you to try them. I will definitely keep this blog for future use, I found all her advice very helpful and uplifting.


Check out Rebecca’s blog here: https://rebeccascritchfield.wordpress.com/2015/02/02/being-ok-with-being-imperfect/

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