Confessions of a Dietitian

When some people think about a registered dietitian, they might think of someone who eats perfectly all the time and never eats unhealthy. However, this is not true. Every person struggles with making healthy decisions throughout their day. We have to make countless decisions all day long, and sometimes they are bad ones when it comes to what we eat. No one is perfect, dietitians and nutritionists included. For me it was refreshing to read a blog by a registered dietitian about her own struggles with making healthy decisions through her day.

I have been following Dietitian Cassie for a few months and I really love her blogs. I first followed her on a social media site where she posted daily tips and nutrition advice. I began reading her blogs and I have really come to enjoy keeping up with what she has to say. Her website’s slogan is “fitness, nutrition, lifestyle” and I really like that because it’s simple, but gets the message across. Her website has a simple layout but provides lots of information. She has links to her blog, classes, coaching, and more. I also love what she is about as a dietitian. Her bio says “Meet Cassie. Registered, Licensed Dietitian. Nutrition and Fitness Expert, specializing in weight loss. Balanced Lifestyle Advocate. 4x Marathon Finisher. Passionate about educating the world on real food and truth about nutrition. No gimmicks. No magic pills. Just real food for optimal health.”

One of my favorite blogs by her is titled “Confessions of a Dietitian”. I loved this blog because of how honest she was. Many people assume that because someone is a registered dietitian that they have it all together all the time. Cassie makes her struggles known and does not hide her faults from her clients or readers. The first sentence of the blog I chose is “I was thinking about all of you today.” I like her introduction because it automatically allows the reader to feel connected to the blogger. She addresses the audience in an informal way and I think that helps the reader really connect with Cassie and relate to her problems.

She discusses her daily struggles in this blog and how she overcomes them. For example, she talks about how her work ordered Panera catering for lunch but she chose the healthiest meal on the menu. I admire her honestly and I would incorporate that into my own blogging. Cassie references other blogs in this one in order to make the reader fully understand the point she is making. I also like how she talks to her readers as if they were longtime friends and they could talk about anything. She puts herself out there in her blogs and she does not hide anything from her readers.

Along with informing the reader about the struggles she faces, she offers lots of advice on how to avoid these struggles. In this blog she talks about how the first mistake that day was skipping breakfast. She goes into more detail on how skipping breakfast made her blood sugar low. She explains how she gets hungrier with a low blood sugar and it makes her more likely to slip up and eat something unhealthy. Dietitian Cassie is a great blogger that not only informs her readers on important nutritional topics, she also writes about her personal life and is completely honest with her readers.

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