
I chose Choose My Plate website this week to do my author post on and this is because this site is awesome for everyone. Not only people looking to lose weight but for everyone who is trying to get the recommended amounts of nutrients and balanced meals each and every day. This site is mostly to be able to track exactly what you eat. You plug in what you ate, what you ate on it, and how you cooked it and it tells how many calories were consumed.

Not only does this site track food but also you can calculate how much physical activity you completed that day and how much you should be completing for your age, height, and weight. This is really awesome for everyone who is trying to lose weight to use this tool to see how much physical activity they should be doing to reach their goals.

Some other tools that can be used through this site are some healthy recipes ideas with daily food plans. I personally think this is an amazing tool because I get so tired of making the same meals every week. It’s also really neat that it gives ideas on how to buy healthy food while on a tight budget.

There are so many different things that can be discovered on this site. I do feel like the format of the site could be rearranged so that it could be easier to be understood. Also there could be more pictures on the home page to make it more appealing to the eye. There is so much helpful information that can be used to help improve everyone’s daily lives. A really cool aspect of this site is called the “Tip of the Day” and this has a helpful healthful tip each and every day. Today the tip is: “Fill up on fiber. To add fiber to your day—try eating fruit with each meal. Add banana to your oatmeal, grapes to chicken salad, and raisins to curry.”

After really exploring this site I can say that I believe if a person would use this site for a few months and really try to apply the healthful tips, that there would be an obvious, positive, difference seen in their life. This website is so healthful and I would love a lot more people to learn about it and use it as a tool for them to maintain or get to a the healthy lifestyle that everyone should. This site is made by the USDA, and this stands for United States Department of Agriculture. That gives you the comfort of knowing that this website is trusting and reliable, the information can be believed.

Before I really researched this site, I only came here for nutrition projects when I had to log what I ate. But now I will be using this website my daily life, logging what I eat, and how much physical activity I complete. This will be way to know if I am eating balanced enough and what nutrients I am not getting enough of. Nutrition is so very important and we all need to make sure we are getting the health everyday that we need to be the best human being that we can possibly be.

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