Eating Healthy in College IS possible!

I found this article very interesting because it pertains to my life.  I often have a ton of trouble managing enough time and budget enough money to be able to cook and/or eat healthy food and live a healthy lifestyle.  This article provides 10 tips for college students to eat healthy.  Eating healthy is extremely important to being focused and feeling good, which is extremely important for college students.  This article lays out 10 different steps to make being healthy an attainable goal while getting a college education.

I found two of the tips very surprising.  First, I thought it was very interesting that in tip #2 they acknowledged the fact that sometimes you just need to eat fast food.  Most nutrition tips say stay completely away from fast food.  But, this list says, “if you need to eat fast food, choose wisely.”  So they say that if you’re going to eat fast food then there are actually healthier options than a burger and fries.  The other rule I was fairly surprised with was that they said to be careful at the salad bar.  Eating a salad with a creamy based dressing can actually be more calories than that burger and fries.  So be careful when hitting the salad bar!

As a nutrition educator, this would be very easy for me to incorporate into my education techniques.  All college students are looking for ways to be healthy, but most have no idea of to how to achieve that.  This list would be a very easy way to help people take steps towards living a healthy life.  If you sold this list as a way to stay more focused and achieve your academic goals, there is no doubt in my mind that it would be very effective.  Overall, it is a very good nutritional education tool for college students or any busy person for that matter.

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