Mini-fridge Makeover

   As a college student I constantly find myself  pressed for time, under a ton of stress, and eating on the go. For these reasons, it is a constant challenge to avoid bad eating habits like skipping meals or eating out. However, as a nutrition major I know how important a healthy diet is. That is why “Mini-fridge Makeover” caught my attention. This article, found at ChooseMyPlate,  lists ten foods that can be conveniently stored in a mini-fridge for a healthy snack or meal on the go.

   One thing I was surprised by was the tip to cook eggs in the microwave, since I often find myself eating breakfast on the go this is a great tip to know. All it takes is an egg, some water, and a microwave safe bowl. You can even throw in some vegetables and low-fat cheese for an even more filling and nutritious breakfast. I will definitely be using this tip in the future to ensure a healthy and satisfying start to my day.

   As a nutrition educator the material from this article would be great to include in my education program. All college students are looking for ways to eat healthy, but find every excuse not to. This article provides great tips on how to make healthy food choices and helps students avoid bad eating habits. By using this article I can help teach students how to maintain a healthy lifestyle while dealing with the stressors and time consuming responsibilities of college. Overall, this article is a great resource for a nutrition education program.


Check out the full article here:


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