Fit Girl’s Challenge

From my own experience I know how challenging it can be to get started with a new workout routine or to change your eating habits. Especially if you are new to nutrition and fitness you could feel extremely lost at times and not quite know where to start or what to do. It’s hard to start and it can be tough to keep going especially if you don’t see any results when you have hoped you would. It’s a learning process within yourself, to set yourself limits and to see how strong your self-control really is. I know there are several programs and diet plans out there to help people get a start on a healthier lifestyle but most are unrealistic and expensive. I started following and Instagram account called “fitgirlsguide” and I looked through their page a few times after quickly learning that they offer a month jumpstart for girls who feel lost or unsure as to how to approach a life of nutrition and fitness.

The Fit Girl’s Guide is a social marketing company that started to gain its popularity through the social media site Instagram, but they also have a website. It’s reached 2 million followers recently and is still growing. The Fit Girl’s Guide includes a few different programs depending on what your goal is. One of the most popular challenges is the 28-day jumpstart that you can purchase for a very low price. It includes a 28-day meal plan and 28-day workout routine with tips and advice to help you stay focused. It also teaches how to do meal prepping and also provides substitutions for vegetarians and vegans. Also with 2 million followers you have tons of support when you decide to take part of the challenge. Using the hashtag (#) you can tag anything like “#28dayjumpstart, #fitgirlsguide, #fitkinichallenge” and people that are also doing the challenge will see your post and give you support as well as the company themselves. They make the challenge fun, realistic and give their customers hope that it doesn’t have to be a boring diet or a strict workout every single day. It’s a very positive and encouraging way to start your new lifestyle!

There are many pro’s to social marketing, especially for the fit girl’s guide. By them having an instagram it brings them closer to their customers and strengthens the brand loyalty that they have for their customers. They often post pictures from their consumers of pictures that they tagged #28daychallenge and comment on and fit girls pictures to let them know they care and are showing support. It also gives them a chance to learn more about their customers and who their target audience really is.

Some con’s of the social marketing can include things like becoming irrelevant. If the company can’t keep up with the exciting new ideas then people are going to start losing interest. Also they need to hire more employees to help keep up with the editing, crediting and maintenance of the social site they have created. But overall I feel that the pro’s outweigh the con’s mostly and I think that social marketing is a great way to expand your business and to find new members to join your movement.

There website is if you would like to check out their upcoming challenges and if you have instagram I highly recommend following them @ fitgirlsguide

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