I found an online article that outlines two different nutrition curriculum that are based for preteens and kids in grades 3-6. These two curriculum are founded by the United States Department of Agriculture. The two programs are called, “Power of Choice” and “PrimaHealth”. Both based around helping kids learn how to make healthy after school snacks.
Power of Choice is an after school program geared towards preteens. How this works is the school signs up for the program and it teaches the students how to make better and healthier choices through posters, computer CD’s, and of course hands- on activities. The program comes with a training section, so the teachers who decide to hold this program after school know what they are doing. In addition, the students will receive different nutrition fact labels, recipes, and even letters to take home to their parents. An example of what the students could be learning is, how to make drinks count. So instead of using all your calories on sodas and sugary drinks, use them for home-made smoothies so you are getting nutrients that benefit you and your body. Below is the link for this curriculum and you can check out the different chapters and lessons provided by the book so you are able to see what exactly your child will be learning and doing. It is a great opportunity for schools to take advantage of, and to really help the students who are our future.
The other program is geared towards students in grades 3rd-6th. It is called, PrimaHealth. This is a little different from Power of Choice because it is an at home curriculum. The parents would sign their child up for this program and will receive a package at their home. This package includes different games to play while learning about nutrition, so for example your child could be making a nutrition commercial or even writing their own rap song based on what they learn through this program. Although some of the activities require the parent to have to go out and buy food, it does give their child a chance for a hands on activity and to really learn how to make a healthy after school snack or meal. An advantage to ordering this package and having it be at home is that you and your child are able to work at your own pace, and learn things in your own way. Below is the link for PrimaHealth. By clicking here you are able to see what the curriculum is all about including their goal, and their plan for this program.
Both of these programs are offered by the USDA to help our younger students and preteens learn what a healthy snack is. They are both helping us shape America into a healthier and better country, and hopefully will help start to prevent development of obesity and different diseases such as diabetes. Below are the links to these programs. They are found through the website superkidsnutrition.com, so in addition you can look around and read other things you and your child can do to improve their knowledge of healthy eating!