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When I searched from the Internet, a complete lesson that focuses on teaching the benefits of leafy-greens immediately caught my eyes. The curriculum was developed by the educational program of an organization called Leafy Greens Council. Leafy Greens Council is a national program that provides service to vegetables growers and consumers for the purpose of achieving their primary goals: improving market, educating consumers, representing members interests, and facilitating networking (Leafy Greens Council, 2015). Thus the course is credible and thorough as the lesson developer has a stable foundation and lots of experiences working on the leafy-greens part of the nutritional area.
The missions, and also the objectives of Leafy Greens Lesson Plans, are encouraging younger consumers to understand the nutritional benefits and the cancer-fighting and prevention elements of leafy greens; and hopefully to encourage the increase in consumption of leafy greens at home(Leafy Greens Council, 2015).
Because the objectives are targeting the younger consumers and for them to perceive the benefits of leafy greens , the targeting audience are basically primary school kids who are from Grade 3 to 5. As common sense, most of the school-age kids prefer eating meats and fried foods to eating veggies and fruits even if parents forced them to eat. This phenomenon not only due to children’s internal preference but also due to the family eating environment- the parents also choose a low-veggie diet. It is necessary for kids to have a positive sense of leafy greens thus producing a strong urge to eat them. As long as kids actively ask parents to prepare more green vegetables for meal, the final goal of this curriculum is achieved, which is basically increasing the leafy greens total consumption in households.
There are three type of people or organizations that may become the potential users of the Leafy Greens Lesson Plans. First one will be primary schools. In order for students to eat a healthy diet and form the healthy habit of not being a picky eaters, the school may want to import this lesson, educate students the power of preventing cancers and other nutritional benefits of the leafy greens to help them grow in a healthy way. And by introducing this course to primary school students, the academic performance of the students may increase at a visible rate because of the balanced diet which contains a variety of leafy greens that kids consumed. The farms and businesses that producing and selling leafy greens will be other users of this lessons. The reason for this is obvious as the education of the leafy-green vegetables is like an unusual way to advertise these kind of vegetables. After the curriculum, kids will increase the demands of consuming leafy greens and parents will purchase more leafy greens according to their kid’s requirements. Thus farmers and businessmen see the increasing profit and may want to use this curriculum as a method of marketing. And finally, the government and states’ health organizations may want to use this curriculum for the purpose of reaching the health requirements for children. Children’s health is tightly related to their nutrition, and since the government knows leafy greens do boost kid’s immunity and provide other essential nutrients for growth, they may have the intention to use Leafy Greens Lesson Plans as a tool to disseminate a healthy veggie.
The introduced curriculum can be find from the link below: