Walnuts for our health!

The California Walnuts Organization created a nutritional brochure with the purpose of promoting and increasing the consumption of walnuts in the community. Not only is it there to make people want to eat walnuts but it also used to inform the audience about how walnuts are one of the few whole foods associated with many benefits for our health : good source for polyunsaturated fats, good for heart health, serve as important antioxidants and they are also a good nutritious choice for people with diabetes.

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Source: NutritionBrochure-3_10

This brochure has many positive aspects associated with the content. It contains the nutrition fact label of walnuts. This small piece of information from the brochure can in fact motivate individuals to eat walnuts by looking at the nutritional values. It is also very useful because it gives a clear understanding of some words that can sometimes be unknown for the audience. For example, when explaining what walnuts contain it also states the meaning of gammatocopherols : a form of vitamin E. It is important to always be sure that the words used in printed materials are in some way understandable to the target audience in order to ensure that the message is being delivered in a successful way.

Moreover, it not only contains a bunch of nutritional information about walnuts but it also has some delicious recipes and tips. Sometimes people don’t like to eat raw walnuts or any other type of raw food because they found it “non-tasty”. However, with this brochure you can find many ways in which walnuts can be incorporated to meals in a delicious way. For example: walnuts and pizza , adding walnuts to muffin and salads, or using walnut hummus for our favorite sandwich. The recipe of a “Brocolli Salad With Mushroom and Walnuts” sounds very tasty, healthy and easy to make. Getting the nutritional values of walnuts has never been so easy and tasty at the same time!

On the other hand, the pictures used in the brochure are also very helpful because it can give a better visualization of how walnuts look by themselves or how good they can look when combined with other meals.

I think that this brochure will be effective because it contains important topics and concepts that are important for our health. When considering the effectiveness of a brochure it is important to keep it from 5-7 concepts and this brochure keeps it in that way. Also, the brochure does not utilize many font styles and that also increases the effectiveness for its appearance.

People not only want information but they also want to know how they can incorporate healthy foods into their lives and this brochure is perfect for someone seeking to improve their consumption of walnuts. Furthermore, it provides a clear comparison of the different nuts that contain omega 3 by including a simple graph where we can easily see how walnuts contain much more omega 3 than almonds, pecans, peanuts and pistachios. However, this brochure wouldn’t work in the same way for senior citizens since it contains long paragraphs and a font style that wouldn’t be that helpful for them to understand the information.


LINK FOR THE BROCHURE : http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=8&ved=0CDoQFjAH&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.walnuts.org%2Fwalnuts%2Fassets%2FFile%2FNutritionBrochure-3_10.pdf&ei=H3gYVZSyIYeqNoG6gLgK&usg=AFQjCNGxtGCoQ-ozE8hTzt__i-Da1g6BkQ&sig2=3y50PL7xzsS84bO4LgdrnA&bvm=bv.89381419,d.eXY


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