Does anyone else have to mentally prepare themselves and build up the strength to look at their bank account? I find myself cringing with my eyes barely open when I check the balance of my account after paying the monthly rent, utilities, cell phone bill, and the too often occurring parking tickets (I swear they’re following me). Then I look to my kitchen for just a little comfort to ease the pain a bit and I realize I have no food. Like nothing in the fridge but condiments, no food. I HAVE to make a trip to the grocery store because me not eating = bad day for everyone around me. So how do I buy enough food to be satisfied for the rest of the week with very little money? Once I get all this delicious food where do I find the time to actually make and eat it? It is very important to me that I have a good meal every day, and more importantly, one that doesn’t break the bank.
I have been graced with the presence of two other roommates. This makes it far easier to plan, buy, and make meals throughout the week. We first get onto Pinterest and pin every mouth-watering food we can find onto our group board. Then, we narrow it down to which ones we want to eat that week and write the ingredients we don’t already have onto our grocery list. Then, all three of us trek on out to the grocery store. This may seem like a pain to have all of us go together but it makes things easier when it comes to final decisions of what to buy, we talk each other out of impulse buys, and more importantly WE SPLIT THE COST. We are able to split the cost of the food we buy because we eat dinner together every night. I know you’re thinking “No way, they actually eat together every night. My roommates and I never do because our schedules are so different.” but I’m not lying! Its way easier than you think and if I can do it with two roommates that are engineers, you can too.
Even though I’m a Nutrition major, they’re engineers, and we’re different in a lot of ways, eating well and on a budget is important to each of us, despite crazy schedules. Because we plan out the meals we are going to have for the week, we can also plan out who can cook dinner that day. If something comes up and none of us will be home in time to make dinner that fits everyone’s schedules, we throw something in the crockpot and eat it when we get home. Planning out our meals and eating together means there is very little waste, so we’re saving money! Plus we hardly ever eat out which can drain your bank account even quicker while adding extra calories.
According to the journal, “Balancing Healthy Meals and Busy Lives: Associations between Work, School, and Family Responsibilities and Perceived Time Constraints among Young Adults” it was concluded in a study among college students that most “perceive time constraints on healthy dietary behaviors, yet some young adults appear able to maintain a healthy life balance despite multiple time demands.” You are your own worst enemy in eating better in college on a budget! We all have crazy schedules and terrifying bank accounts but there are ways you can eat well every day.
Pelletier, Jennifer E., and Melissa N. Laska. “Balancing Healthy Meals and Busy Lives: Associations between Work, School, and Family Responsibilities and Perceived Time Constraints among Young Adults.” Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 44.6 (2012): 481-89. Division of Epidemiology and Community Health