Research passion

Overall, Nutrition is a subject I am very passionate about. It is the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth. We depend on a lot of things for survival and nutrition is one of those things. However, nutrition can be the best medicine or the worst poison. Even though we need it for survival, we can also die if we don’t obtain the right nutrition. What I am trying to say is that the subject of nutrition is very important in our lives and we need to sure that we have a good and healthy one.

In specific, what most catches my attention in the field of nutrition is the research part. In the future, that is what I want to do. Research about nutrition related subjects such as metabolism and diseases caused by foods. I find very interesting to know how food works in our bodies and how by modifying our eating habits we can enhance our health or even prevent numerous diseases. I don’t like reading in food labels or in packages phrases like “reduces cholesterol”. I like to know how does it reduce cholesterol and what are the procedures and experiment that need to be done to know this information.

There is a study that was done in Spain called “ Nutrigenetics”. This study and researchers may save people’s lives. The study consists of taking a sample of saliva from the patient. After that, researchers analyze the sample and the test results will give you a list of the possible diseases the patient will have in the future. Then a nutrition expert develops a diet for the patient in order to prevent the disease. This includes changing the patient’s habits and forming new ones. Now people don’t need to “go back in time” in order to prevent or fix something about the past because now what people call “predict the future” can be done and it will never be too late to prevent a disease.

Another subject that is very popular in nutrition is weight loss. I feel powerful just by knowing how a person can lose weight without having to stop eating what they enjoy. There are many studies that show the kinds of food you need to eat in order to loose weight. One of these studies from the Nutrition Research Journal shows that soluble dietary fiber (Fibersol-2) can increase satiety and decrease hunger when they are ingested with a meal. However, this does not occur when any amount of soluble fiber is ingested with a meal. It only occurs when 10 g of fibersol-2 are ingested. But as I said before, HOW is this possible is what intrigues me. This is because plasma peptide YY and glucagon-like peptide-1 were significantly increased by the ingestion of meal with tea containing 10 g Fibersol-2 compared with 0 or 5 g Fibersol-2.

Knowing how these hormones react to certain foods is what captivates me and to know that, it is necessary to get involved and participate in nutrition research. I want to be the person that discovers new techniques that will help people prolong their lives.

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