Put Down the Diet Coke!

A 12 ounce regular coke has about 150 calories, but a diet coke has zero calories. Seems like an obvious choice of what to drink, right? Think again. Scientists have discovered that artificial sugars do more harm than good. Artificial sweeteners are found everywhere today. You can find them in diet soda, zero calorie flavored water, yogurt, sugar free gum, and countless more places. Artificial sugars have been proven to be addictive, cancer causing, and have also been attributed to type 2 diabetes.

The more sweets you consume, the more you crave. Artificial sweeteners are sweeter than regular sugar. The super sweet taste of artificial sweeteners only make your brain crave more. So that diet coke only feeds your sugar addiction more. A study done by Harvard has found that people that regularly consume diet drinks have a hard time eating fruits and vegetables. The reason for this is because the fruit they eat barely tastes sweet compared to the diet coke that their brain really wants. Vegetables are almost repulsive to them because they have no sweetness to them at all.

We all know someone who can’t seem to get enough diet coke!Artificial sweeteners have been proven to be addictive in animal studies. In a study where rats were exposed to both cocaine and saccharin, an artificial sweetener, the rats chose saccharin when given the choice between the two. All kinds of sugar, whether natural or artificial, can be addictive. It’s hard to just drink one sip of soda, or have one bite of a cookie, or eat just one piece of candy. It’s better to stick to natural sugars instead of chemically made artificial sugars.

In the Multiethnic Study of Atherosclerosis, it was discovered that people that regularly consume diet drinks were 36% more likely to be diagnosed with metabolic syndrome and 67% more likely to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Knowing all of the harmful effects of artificial sweeteners, it should be something everyone should avoid consuming. Naturally occurring sugars are a much better alternative, just be cautious of how much you consume. According to Dr. Ludwig, a specialist in obesity and weight-loss:

“Sugar-containing foods in their natural form, whole fruit, for example, tend to be highly nutritious—nutrient-dense, high in fiber, and low in glycemic load. On the other hand, refined, concentrated sugar consumed in large amounts rapidly increases blood glucose and insulin levels, increases triglycerides, inflammatory mediators and oxygen radicals, and with them, the risk for diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other chronic illnesses,” (Lugwig)

We can all agree that sugar should be consumed in moderation. The less you consume, the less you will want. When you are craving something sweet your best option is fruit! It has natural sugar in it that can be the perfect fix for your craving. Avoid sugar sweetened beverages all together and your body will thank you. Just because something is zero calories does not mean it’s a healthier option. Artificial sugars hide in many places under many different names, be aware and read food labels! Stick to natural sugars and as always, everything in moderation!


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