The Game Changer

Being involved in athletics since I was eight years old has taught me a lot about what it takes to play sports on an elite level. You have to be on your toes physically and mentally at all times. All of the aspects of sports performance including skill, strength, speed, talent, and endurance is not possible without proper nutrition. Nutrition can be a game changer, which is why I am passionate about sports nutrition. In fact, nutrition in athletics is what I intend on focusing my future career on.

Nutrition to enhance athletic performance is necessary in order to be the best athlete you can be. For example, carbohydrates are needed to enhance athletic performance because they are a major source of energy and they replenish blood glucose levels. Without water your muscles will begin to cramp and you can lose some of your coordination. Water allows your body to cool down during a workout. As a result a lack of water can result in a stroke or heat exhaustion. Protein is essential for muscle growth and recovery. Little facts like this that I have discovered over the years by being an athlete is interesting and so helpful!

My interest in sports nutrition began when I figured out that what I ate could improve my level of performance at competitions. Before I started learning about proper nutrition for athletes I remember how on certain days when I didn’t eat enough during a competition that lasted an entire day, I would lose energy quickly and not be able to perform at my best near the end of competitions. Once I recognized that nutrition was the problem I started to do research and spent hours in front of the computer discovering tons of useful information. After following some of the advice that I found my energy level increased, my muscle mass increased, and overall I was able to perform all day to the best of my abilities. It is crazy how much simple changes in your diet can change energy levels, muscle growth, and much more!

Learning about the science behind athletic performance and nutrition is fascinating! For example, a study was done on how to get the proper nutrition to players who have special nutrition needs by Christine Rosenbloom, an associate dean in the College of health and human development and human science and a professor in the division of nutrition at Georgia State University. The study involved getting proper nutrition to an athlete who participated in Ramadan, an athlete with Chron disease, and an athlete with body image disturbance. As a result of the study researchers discovered the best ways to provide nutrition counseling to athletes in different situations. Even when the diet of an athlete is restricted for some reason you can still find new and interesting ways to give their bodies the fuel that they need to stay at peak performance levels.

The field of nutrition, especially that of sports nutrition, is constantly changing. One can never know everything there is to know about nutrition but I plan on gaining as much knowledge on the subject as I possibly can in the hopes of helping athletes to perform at the best of their abilities.



Rosenbloom, C. (November/December 2007). Sports Nutrition: Applying the Science. Nutrition Today. Retrieved April 23, 2015

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