The Nutrition Key with BRG

I originally found ‘The Nutrition Key with BRG’ blog from the ‘Nutrition Blog Network’. What drew me to ‘The Nutrition Key with BRG’ is the name of the post I clicked on, “Flip out for Blueberry Pancakes”. This captured my attention right away because, well who doesn’t love pancakes. My roommates and I have been on a strict health kick lately and have been searching for a healthy alternative to the not so healthy pancake recipe.

The design of the blog is very simple. With a light purple background and dark purple heading, the color scheme is simple but not boring. At the top of the page is a navigation bar that leads to other parts of her website. At the top you can easily access information about Bonnie R Giller, services she provides, such as IBS treatment and weight loss meal planning, books and training programs, free healthy recipes, and contact information. On the right side of her blog she has a place to easily access her other recent blog posts, popular topics, search toolbar, and recent Facebook posts. At the bottom of the blog there is a section of “You may also like” blogs that the reader may be interested in that is similar to the current blog the reader is reading.

Bonnie addresses her audience in an informal way. It makes reading her blog much easier and more interesting. Her blog is very easy to follow because it gives background information about the pancakes, health benefits, and then a simple, easy to follow recipe. I also really like that she includes a picture of the pancakes. As seen below, you can tell that the photo isn’t faked and that she took it herself.







Even though there are not resources on the blog to back up the information, Bonnie R. Giller is a very reliable and trustworthy source for information. Bonnie is a Registered Dietitian, Certified Dietitian-Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Educator, and Certified Diabetes Educator. Bonnie offers many nutrition programs to help people achieve weight loss goals, control blood sugar levels in people with diabetes, and for people with irritable bowel syndromes. She has also written multiple books such as Recipes to Remember: Heart Healthy Can Be DeliciousPassover the Healthy Way: Light, Tasty and Easy Recipes Your Whole Family Will Enjoy, and 5 Steps to a Body You Love without Dieting. Bonnie was also the director of an Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics accredited dietetic internship program.

Bonnie engages her readers by writing blogs about healthy alternatives to unhealthy foods. This helps people stick to their diets and healthy lifestyles. I would really like to incorporate that into my own blogging. Being able to give people alternative healthy choices allows sticking to diets much easier. I would also like to include the simplicity of Bonnie’s blogs into my own. The simplicity of the blogs makes following and reading the blogs easier. I want readers of my blog to have the same easy-read as I do with Bonnie’s blogs.

Giller, Bonnie R. “Flip Out for Blueberry Pancakes.” Web blog post. The Nutrition Key with BRG. N.p., 26 Jan. 2015. Web. 26 Jan. 2015.

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