Healthy eating done right!


How many times have you found yourself trying to eat healthy and hating every second of it because all you ate for the day were some carrots and salad? This is something that I really struggled with when I began to get into eating healthier, and something I feel like most people struggle with at some point in their lives. This is why the title of the blog “Appetite for Health” really caught my attention. The title implied for me that you could eat healthy while still fulfilling your appetite, which is what everyone searches for when dieting!

The blog immediately caught my attention because of its great design. The logo is a big juicy apple and everything is in different shades of green. The color alone makes me think of healthiness. The blog is designed so that there is a slideshow of pictures changing across the screen as soon as you click onto it. These pictures include delicious looking foods and snacks that made me hungry. I really liked this feature because it shows you that healthy things can be yummy too! The authors of the blog do a great job at catching the attention of readers by having several drop down menus with different subjects. For example, some of the menu titles include things such as “healthy bites”, “lose it”, and “monthly meal plans.” I think that this is a great feature because it allows readers to easily navigate the blog for the articles that they find most interesting or useful.

There are two authors to this blog, Julie Upton and Kathrine Brooking. I read articles from both authors and they have very similar styles. They address the audience very informally, as if they are sitting down for lunch with a friend. This really engages the reader and keeps them interested, instead of using big formal words that readers may not understand. The authors also do a really good job at getting people to read their blogs by using catchy titles that relate to current subjects. For example, the articles on the home page are all about Valentine ’s Day and how to stay healthy through the weekend full of chocolate.

While a few of the articles are simply personal advice for eating healthier, there are  posts that are based off of science. I think that the authors do a great job at making sure their posts are accurate, and even include a link to the original resource in case you might have doubts. I especially liked how the authors formatted their blog postings. The green theme was continued into the posting with sentences or quotes that were especially important or interesting written in green. This provided a nice contrast from the rest of the post and really drew my eyes to it. I also liked that the author pulled a quote from the article and had it blown up on the side. This really helped emphasize the main point of the article.

Overall, I really enjoyed this blog. The one thing that I would like to use in my own blogging style was simply getting nutritional information out to the public in a way that they can understand. I feel like the authors did a great job at taking confusing research that only professionals could understand and summarizing it in a way that anyone could understand. This is exactly what I hope to achieve while blogging.

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