“Eat When You’re Hungry”

There are some blog titles that just make sense. Browsing through the massive list it was easy to notice some key words. There were lots of “Dietitian ___”, “Eat ___”, “Food ___”, and all versions of health and healthy. After quickly glossing over these choices I decided to start from the end of the alphabet and see where that gets me. Immediately “Weekly Bite” jumped out. When I looked further into the author, Estela Schnelle, I learned that she is a wife and mother to two young girls (age 3 and 5). Her life is the inspiration for the blog and gives off almost a feel of a lifestyle blog but there is definitely a nutrition twist. What really drew me to her blog was her motto: “Eat when you’re hungry and eat real food”. It’s very simply put, but it’s a motto I want to be able to apply to my life.

From the recipes and the occasional anecdote about her life, Estela’s blog makes for a great read. It’s obvious from the recipes that are featured that she likes to keep things easy, delicious, and simple with both the ingredients and instructions. Along with the recipes, there is always a photo of at least the final product if not the process as well. You can also tell that she’s conscious of what she puts into the food she makes for her family. Quite a few of her recipes are vegan while in most of the others butter is minimal or fully replaced with applesauce.

Estela’s inclusion of personal experience really makes you feel as if she was having an everyday conversation with a friend while cooking up a delicious lunch. Her input from a mom’s standpoint is invaluable when discussing healthy meals and making them work for everyday for a family of four. It was really interesting to see her post on what she makes for her kids for lunch. Instead of a basic peanut butter and jelly sandwich, she made a sunflower butter and jelly sandwich. Having tried sunflower butter, I can easily see it as a replacement for peanut butter.

Going through all of the recipes from “Weekly Bite” and seeing such simple changes really inspires me to see where I can make changes in my food choices. Estela’s blog has definitely taught me that what you eat doesn’t have to be elaborate to be healthy. That’s one message that I hope to carry on in my own blog.


If you wanted some fun, easy recipe ideas, try Estela Schnelle’s blog!

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