Libby’s Fit Nutrition

What drew me to Libby’s Fit Nutrition is that Libby (or Elizabeth) is a RD with a focus of helping those with eating disorders.  Upon getting my RDN, I also want to help those with eating disorders.  Since this is a focus in her practice, she posts blogs about getting medical aid or financial aid when getting or seeking medical attention for an eating disorder.

Libby takes an informal approach when writing her blog posts, but her blog site overall is quite professional.  It lists services she offers, her experience in the field, testimonials from clients, and recipes.  This gives her blog more depth and, in my opinion, makes her blog more “official”.  She also cites her sources in her blog which adds to her credibility.

Lastly, and maybe my favorite part about her blog, she encourages guest bloggers to submit entries for her to read over and then publish.  My favorite guest blog currently talks on ABM (Always Be Moving).

Elizabeth. Libby’s Fit Nutrition. Referenced from

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