Start your day right!

Ever wonder how to get that perfect start to your day?  Well, it all just so happens to start with getting that perfect nutritious breakfast.  Getting a breakfast filled with all the right ingredients will give you just the thing to have enough energy for the rest of your day.  That is why between breakfast, lunch, and dinner it is the most important meal of the day!  As a nutrition educator, the brochure that I discovered provides all the information needed to convince a person of the importance of breakfast and what it takes to have a healthy start to your day.

The brochure that I found is incredibly easy to read.  It isn’t like other nutrition education handouts that are boring and can just go on and on with facts that eventually all turn into a blur.  For me, I need something fast and easy to read in order for it to keep my attention.  This brochure does just that.  It has different colors and different size fonts.  It has arrows pointing at what should be read next and there aren’t too many words.  In the different sections like “Grab and Go Breakfast Ideas” they only have a few bullet points that are simple but packed with important information.

What I found interesting about this brochure is that it has different sections that are dedicated to fast and easy breakfast ideas, what a healthy breakfast should include, and why it is so important to get a healthy breakfast.  By doing this they are giving the readers no real excuse for not getting breakfast.  Time constraints shouldn’t be an issue because they give ideas for what you can eat in less than ten minutes or if your in a really big hurry, things that you can just grab as you’re heading out the door!

Another thing that I found interesting is the formatting of the brochure.  The entire brochure was filled with pictures so even if you don’t read it you see pictures of bananas, yogurt, eggs, strawberries, and so much more. It is also arranged in different sections and within them are boxes that contain information. Also, the sentences aren’t too complicated so anyone can read it.

What really surprised me the most about it is the fact that not only did it give the readers examples of good breakfast foods and the kinds of breakfast food they should be eating, like lean proteins, carbs, and healthy fats, but it also told the readers why they should be eating breakfast.  For example it includes that “breakfast eaters: are more physically active, maintain a healthy weight, have better concentration” and more.  As a nutrition educator I would make use of this by giving it to parents for their benefit and for their child’s.  Honestly, I think I could give this to anyone and they would be able to get some kind of use out of the brochure.  Breakfast is so important for many reasons and overall this brochure is the perfect guide for showing people how to get that perfect start to your day.

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