Author Archives: blb5547

The Nutrition Care Process

Many individuals are suffering from health and social problems because they cannot find the courage to take action and seek a health care professional. In their minds health care professionals do not take into account their feelings or personal problems … Continue reading

Posted in April 10 Nutrition Passion | Tagged | Leave a comment

Live Life Strong

Optimum Nutrition Optimum Nutrition is a social marketing site who strives to satisfy their customers. They are a sports nutrition company involved in manufacturing and selling protein powders, shakes, protein bars, and vitamin and minerals. They are all about … Continue reading

Posted in March 20 Social Marketing | Leave a comment

Nutrition Regulations

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics… Eat Right This site has over 75,000 registered dietitians, technicians, and other professionals. It provides nutrition therapy in order to treat chronic illnesses and diseases. The most surprising thing about this material is that … Continue reading

Posted in Feb 20 Nutr Ed Example | Tagged | Leave a comment

Tasty Creations

Nourished Nation       The author of Nourished Nation is Charlene Geary who is a registered dietitian. She does an excellent job with providing recipes that all households can use. I like how it says “Real Life – Nutrition Advice” at … Continue reading

Posted in Jan 30 Nutr Related Blog | Tagged | Leave a comment