Author Archives: chh5086

Cutting Carbs is not the answer

A common misconception in society is that if you want to lose weight, cut out your carbs.  It is true that it would be beneficial for some people to cut back a small portion of their carbs, but not all … Continue reading

Posted in April 17 Nutrition Passion | Tagged | Leave a comment

Kids Take Action

I recently found a nutrition curriculum that was developed by American University.  It can be found on the internet at:  This curriculum is meant to be taught to young kids to teach them how to live healthy lives.  I … Continue reading

Posted in March 27 Nutr Curriculum Example, Welcome | Tagged | Leave a comment

Eating Healthy in College IS possible!

I found this article very interesting because it pertains to my life.  I often have a ton of trouble managing enough time and budget enough money to be able to cook and/or eat healthy food and live a healthy lifestyle. … Continue reading

Posted in Feb 27 Nutr Ed Example | Tagged | Leave a comment

Eat Real Live Well

One of my favorite blogs is by a former professor of mine from Bucks County Community College, her name is Kelly R. Jones.  Mrs. Jones is a registered dietician and was a former athlete at the University of Connecticut.  On … Continue reading

Posted in Feb 6 Nutr Related Blog | Tagged | Leave a comment