Author Archives: Holly Claire Johnson

Grocery Shopping Tips!

Something that I am very passionate about is informing the public on healthy foods and how to buy them.  It seems like a simple thing to do, however, it seems to be a difficult task for most.  They walk into … Continue reading

Posted in April 17 Nutrition Passion | Tagged | Leave a comment

Need help cooking for your kids?

Many of us know how hard it is to get kids to try, let alone enjoy eating healthy foods.  Parents are constantly trying to find the balance between getting their children to eat healthy foods, enjoy the foods they’re eating, and … Continue reading

Posted in March 27 Nutr Curriculum Example | Tagged | Leave a comment

Diabetes Education

Have you or a loved one been recently diagnosed with diabetes? Are you looking for information on the disease and want to know the basics?  Well, if you are, you should visit the American Diabetes Association’s Link for Life  online … Continue reading

Posted in Feb 27 Nutr Ed Example | Tagged | Leave a comment

Bubbly Blogging

I was browsing many different dietician’s blogs, and I had the pleasure of discovering a wonderfully whimsical site to explore. The blog is called Grass Roots Nutrition and is written by a Registered Dietician named Holly Larson. I stumbled upon … Continue reading

Posted in Feb 6 Nutr Related Blog, Welcome | Tagged | Leave a comment