Author Archives: Karrie Rice

Nutrition: Medicine You Can Trust

“The best kept secret in medicine is that, given the right milieu, the body heals itself.” These words are taken from an article in the Preventive Medicine Journal titled, “The Power of Nutrition as Medicine.” Can the body really heal … Continue reading

Posted in April 24 Nutrition Passion | Tagged | Leave a comment

What’s in Your Lunch?

I think it is safe to say that we all have experienced the familiar grumble coming from our bellies around 12 o’clock noon.  The difference is, some of us will skip lunch, grab a meal from the cafeteria, find a local … Continue reading

Posted in April 3 Nutr Brochure Example | Tagged | Leave a comment

Food Labels Can Save a Life

Food allergies require a lifelong commitment to reading labels. Not only are labels important for deciphering nutritional qualities of a food, but they can be used as a tool to avoid unwanted allergic reactions. Food allergies can result in a … Continue reading

Posted in March 7 Nutr Ed Example | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Quest for Eating Well Who says nutritious foods can’t taste good? In fact, this common misconception is what drives many people away from seeking dietary advice and choosing to make healthy changes to their diets. Could we shift their opinions by focusing on … Continue reading

Posted in Feb 13 Nutr Related Blog | Tagged | Leave a comment