Author Archives: kqk5235

Your healthy diet starts at the grocery store!

Something that I am very passionate about with nutrition is buying healthy foods at the grocery store. Up until my junior year of college, I never needed to worry about what to buy at the grocery store or what I … Continue reading

Posted in April 17 Nutrition Passion | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Key to Well Living

Are you trying to make a lifestyle change toward a positive goal, but don’t know where to begin? Or, maybe you’re an educator or community leader who needs some guidance in how to communicate an effective lesson plan to others … Continue reading

Posted in March 27 Nutr Curriculum Example | Tagged | Leave a comment

Eating (Healthy) For Two!

The United States Department of Agriculture is well known for their regulation of food and agriculture, however, what many people do not know is that they also run many programs promoting nutrition and health. One of these programs is known … Continue reading

Posted in Feb 27 Nutr Ed Example | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Petite Professional

Being a nutrition major and fitness addict, I enjoy coming across entertaining blogs about healthy meals and trendy new work outs. While I have never been the most skilled in the kitchen, I appreciate the art of cooking and I … Continue reading

Posted in Feb 6 Nutr Related Blog | Tagged | Leave a comment