Author Archives: Nikki Mei Soon

About Nikki Mei Soon

Hi! I'm Nikki Soon, currently a senior at Penn State University and a nutrition-dietetic option major! I work as a student nutrition assistant for campus dining. I color-code menus for students with special diets and I also write blog posts for The Rheal Deal blog.

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It All Comes Down To Moderation

What made me chose nutrition as my major? To be honest, studying in nutrition was never my first choice. In fact, I have always wanted to go to culinary school instead! “No”, said my mom and dad. “We know that … Continue reading

Posted in April 24 Nutrition Passion, Welcome | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Cut Back And End Suffering

About a month ago, I was given this brochure at the HUB entitled “Your Choice. Why Millions Of People Are Choosing A Better Way To Eat” from Vegan Outreach when I was heading to my Organic Chemistry class. The brochure … Continue reading

Posted in April 3 Nutr Brochure Example | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Guide At A Touch!

I have always been a very indecisive person. Even when it comes to grocery shopping (yes, I take forever to just pick an item!). You know it is that bad when your own little sister shouts in terror “NO! DO … Continue reading

Posted in March 7 Nutr Ed Example | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment