Author Archives: pvb5151

Dance and Dietetics

Anyone who decides to go into the field of dietetics has a story. Whether it be you struggled with an eating disorder, have food allergies, or are even battling a disease, every single person in this field has a reason … Continue reading

Posted in April 10 Nutrition Passion | Tagged | Leave a comment

Eliminating Empty Calories

The fizz– the crisp, sweet, crackle that opening a fresh can of soda brings to your mouth. There’s no doubt in saying that America loves soda and other sugary drinks. However, these sugary drinks tend to bring unwanted calories into … Continue reading

Posted in March 20 Social Marketing | Tagged | Leave a comment


There’s no doubt that staying active and eating healthy is a challenge. Whether you are a nutrition major, an athlete, or just a student in general, balancing health into a more than busy schedule can be quite difficult. CHAARG is … Continue reading

Posted in Feb 20 Nutr Ed Example | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Glycemic Index: Should We Still Believe In It?

My mother, although an accountant, I have discovered is more “in the know” about the latest in nutritional research, than even I am. Over winter break, we had a whole dinner conversation regarding the glycemic index. She proceeded to tell … Continue reading

Posted in Jan 30 Nutr Related Blog | Tagged | Leave a comment