Author Archives: pzp5137

Veggies Veggies and more Veggies!

Veggies Veggies and more Veggies!              For as long as I remember, I’ve always been a vegetarian. Sure, I was not given an option when I was smaller, but I stuck to the choice made … Continue reading

Posted in April 24 Nutrition Passion | Tagged | Leave a comment

‘Whats in a brochure?’

‘Whats in a brochure’ It was a struggle for me to search for nutrition brochure online for our blog topic this week. And I think this is a good thing because brochure is a form of handout that should be … Continue reading

Posted in April 3 Nutr Brochure Example | Tagged | Leave a comment

Knows and Don’t Knows about Dietary

Knows and Don’t Knows about Dietary Guidelines As I was going through different nutrition education websites, I discovered a “University Of Nebraska- Lincoln[1]” website. It has various information on food safety, health and fitness, food and nutrition. It gives out … Continue reading

Posted in March 7 Nutr Ed Example | Tagged | Leave a comment

Healthy or nah…?

Healthy or nah…? Deciding what is healthy or not at a supermarket is such a hard thing to do these days. With all the labels on our food products: GMOs, organic, fat-free, reduced sugar (and many more), how do we … Continue reading

Posted in Feb 13 Nutr Related Blog | Tagged | Leave a comment