Author Archives: Qinghua Choo, qpc5005

Stop World Hunger

There are a number of areas that I am passionate about in the field of nutrition, but the one that I am most passionate about is malnutrition in people. I came across a video in Facebook a few days ago … Continue reading

Posted in April 10 Nutrition Passion | Tagged | Leave a comment

Do You Know What You’re Drinking?

In today’s world, social marketing is very crucial tool, especially when it comes marketing certain products or ideas. Not all products use the same approach when it comes to getting people to buy their stuff, and not every product has … Continue reading

Posted in March 20 Social Marketing | Tagged | Leave a comment

Fun with Breakfast

Most college students can agree that their first meal of the day isn’t breakfast, well, at least not a proper breakfast. They would normally dash out of the house with a banana or granola bar in one hand and a … Continue reading

Posted in Feb 20 Nutr Ed Example | Tagged | Leave a comment

Spicing Up Your Diet

“25 Delicious Ways to Eat More Fruits & Vegetables + Easy Tips for Eating More Every Day”. The title itself is a mouthful, but the article itself already caught my eye just by saying “25 Delicious Ways to Eat More … Continue reading

Posted in Jan 30 Nutr Related Blog, Welcome | Tagged | Leave a comment