Author Archives: Sydney Kathleen Ericson

Eating Well on a College Budget

Does anyone else have to mentally prepare themselves and build up the strength to look at their bank account? I find myself cringing with my eyes barely open when I check the balance of my account after paying the monthly … Continue reading

Posted in April 10 Nutrition Passion | Tagged | Leave a comment

If Kids Could Live 5 Extra Years

I remember hating being indoors as a child, I was always outside riding my bike, exploring through the creek that ran through my backyard, climbing trees, playing soccer, and barely managing to keep out of trouble with my brothers and … Continue reading

Posted in March 20 Social Marketing | Tagged | Leave a comment

Got Milk?

Put down that sugary Gatorade and blender bottle full of expensive chalk (protein powder), there’s a new sports drink in town, and an old favorite, milk. According to the National Dairy Council’s handout, “Milk: Nature’s Sports Drink”, milk contains the … Continue reading

Posted in Feb 20 Nutr Ed Example | Leave a comment

Trying New Things

It is typical human behavior to form habits and follow daily routines while rarely venturing out of your comfort zone. That is why “Trying New Things” is a title that automatically draws your attention and invites you to read more. … Continue reading

Posted in Jan 30 Nutr Related Blog | Tagged | Leave a comment