Author Archives: Siyao Xing

Don’t grow up with obesity!

The topic I am going to talk about is childhood obesity, which I think will also be my emphasis in the future. During the past two decades, the prevalence of obesity in children has risen greatly worldwide. Obesity in childhood … Continue reading

Posted in April 24 Nutrition Passion | Tagged | Leave a comment

Healthy living for children!

This brochure I am going to talk about is a childhood obesity brochure, which has a clear statement thesis about childhood obesity. The brochure is developed by U.S committee for refuges and immigrants (USCRI) and used multiple methods to tell … Continue reading

Posted in April 3 Nutr Brochure Example | Tagged | Leave a comment

Nourish interactive!

Finally got a chance to introduce one of my favorite nutrition educational websites – Nourish interactive! It is a free multifunctional websites contains nutrition education materials for parents and teacher, also has nutrition games for kids and blog for anyone … Continue reading

Posted in March 7 Nutr Ed Example | Tagged | Leave a comment

We Are Born to Eat!

Nowadays we have an increasing number of people using exercise or changing the bad eating habits to improve their lifestyle or health situation instead of taking medicines. That is the reason I am interested on studying nutrition, because it is … Continue reading

Posted in Feb 13 Nutr Related Blog | Tagged | Leave a comment