Author Archives: Victoria Marie Miller

Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail

Since moving away from my parents this semester, I realized for the first time how much of a responsibility it is to plan all of my own meals.  Over winter break, I made a commitment to myself that the food … Continue reading

Posted in April 17 Nutrition Passion | Leave a comment

“Quit Eating Chips at the Computer!” “Quit Eating Chips at the Computer!” I cannot speak for your household, but I know I have heard this phrase way too many times (especially from my own mouth).  For those of you who are confused, I have an … Continue reading

Posted in March 27 Nutr Curriculum Example | Tagged | Leave a comment

Eating Right On Campus! As a nutrition student, I know what to look for when ordering at a restaurant, eating at a dining hall, or going to a grocery store (Shop the perimeter!).  Unfortunately, many students do not know all of the available … Continue reading

Posted in Feb 27 Nutr Ed Example, Welcome | Tagged | Leave a comment

Dare to do Dairy

The “Dairy-Free” movement has been gaining popularity in recent years due largely to the emergence of the Paleo diet and knowledge that the United States consumes more dairy than most other countries. People believe that it is somehow unnatural to … Continue reading

Posted in Feb 6 Nutr Related Blog | Tagged | Leave a comment