Author Archives: Yifeng Li

Healthy diet and Healthy life!

With the rapid growth of world economy in the recent years, people are having greater pressure from their work and home. They tend to eat more fast food, have less time for exercise and mostly having sedentary lifestyles. People are … Continue reading

Posted in April 17 Nutrition Passion | Tagged | Leave a comment

Growing healthy kids!

All parents want their kids to eat healthy and grow healthy. However, most of the kids seem really resistible to healthy fruits and vegetables. So, is there any way to let the kids know more about the benefits of healthy … Continue reading

Posted in March 27 Nutr Curriculum Example | Tagged | Leave a comment

“Eat more vegetables and fruits!”

“Eat more vegetables and fruits!” My mom keeps telling me that every time she calls me. Everyone knows veggies and fruits are good for health, but people rarely would follow the rules and eat veggies and fruits everyday. Most of … Continue reading

Posted in Welcome | Tagged | Leave a comment

Keep your healthy life style!

You’re a dietitian, how could you have trouble controlling your intake of junk food? It’s a very interesting question that even me, a nutrition major student, would often be asked in my daily life. Every time I eat fast food, … Continue reading

Posted in Feb 6 Nutr Related Blog | Tagged | Leave a comment