Category Archives: April 17 Nutrition Passion

Family Meals Gives Power

For my post this week, I choose to do a website called “Power of Family Meals“. This site is one that I visit often when looking for meals to make for my own little family. I enjoy the blog posts … Continue reading

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Women, Infant, and Children

Now that I am finishing up my Junior year as a nutrition major, I have really found a passion for the non-profit organization Women, Infant, and Children, or more commonly known as, WIC. This program offers health services, supplemental food, … Continue reading

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Put Down the Diet Coke!

A 12 ounce regular coke has about 150 calories, but a diet coke has zero calories. Seems like an obvious choice of what to drink, right? Think again. Scientists have discovered that artificial sugars do more harm than good. Artificial … Continue reading

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Cutting Carbs is not the answer

A common misconception in society is that if you want to lose weight, cut out your carbs.  It is true that it would be beneficial for some people to cut back a small portion of their carbs, but not all … Continue reading

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