Category Archives: April 24 Nutrition Passion

The Game Changer

Being involved in athletics since I was eight years old has taught me a lot about what it takes to play sports on an elite level. You have to be on your toes physically and mentally at all times. All … Continue reading

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On-Campus Complications

Most of today’s college students don’t have time in their schedule to eat regularly. To be honest, I’ve fallen victim to this more times than I would care to admit. Students have a lot on their plates, between classes, homework, … Continue reading

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Confronting Food Allergies, Living Life!

Food allergies, in my opinion, are one of humankind’s greatest enemies because they prevent people from savoring the food around them. Growing up, many of my friends and peers suffered from allergies and I saw how they affected their daily … Continue reading

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Nutrition: Medicine You Can Trust

“The best kept secret in medicine is that, given the right milieu, the body heals itself.” These words are taken from an article in the Preventive Medicine Journal titled, “The Power of Nutrition as Medicine.” Can the body really heal … Continue reading

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