Category Archives: March 20 Social Marketing

The “truth” About Tobacco

The truth campaign is one of my favorite social marketing campaigns around.  Its pervasiveness and edginess provide the perfect setting for the facts and visualizations that it disseminates to the public in an effort to end smoking completely.  The power … Continue reading

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Do you consider McDonalds a healthy restaurant?

The social marketing campaign I chose is actually created by McDonalds. The campaign’s goal is to convince individuals that McDonalds can be a healthy restaurant to eat in. The campaign is effective although there are also cons. There are a … Continue reading

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Eliminating Empty Calories

The fizz– the crisp, sweet, crackle that opening a fresh can of soda brings to your mouth. There’s no doubt in saying that America loves soda and other sugary drinks. However, these sugary drinks tend to bring unwanted calories into … Continue reading

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Milk for the Win

Got milk? Everyone has heard this famous phrase at some point in their lives.  This social marketing campaign has been around for years; it began in October 1993 and is still prevalent to this day.  The campaign was originally created … Continue reading

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