Category Archives: March 27 Nutr Curriculum Example

How Do I Lower My Blood Pressure?

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has developed a curriculum that is targeted towards adults diagnosed with high blood pressure, or hypertension. One in four American adults has hypertension, which is a significantly high number of people. Hypertension is when … Continue reading

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Growing healthy kids!

All parents want their kids to eat healthy and grow healthy. However, most of the kids seem really resistible to healthy fruits and vegetables. So, is there any way to let the kids know more about the benefits of healthy … Continue reading

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Kids gets Smart about Media and Health

Media has a huge influence on the youth of today.  Through television commercials, ads on the computer, movies and celebrities, our youth is being influenced almost every minute to eat certain items, drink certain drinks and act a certain way. While … Continue reading

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Think About Your Family

  Nutrition is important in all years of life. Not only do parent’s need to work on their children’s nutrition; these parents also need to worry about their own nutritional status. The concept of family nutrition is important in every … Continue reading

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