Tag Archives: college

Cut Back And End Suffering

About a month ago, I was given this brochure at the HUB entitled “Your Choice. Why Millions Of People Are Choosing A Better Way To Eat” from Vegan Outreach when I was heading to my Organic Chemistry class. The brochure … Continue reading

Posted in April 3 Nutr Brochure Example | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Mini-fridge Makeover

   As a college student I constantly find myself  pressed for time, under a ton of stress, and eating on the go. For these reasons, it is a constant challenge to avoid bad eating habits like skipping meals or eating … Continue reading

Posted in Feb 27 Nutr Ed Example, Welcome | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Dining Hall Dilemmas: SOLVED!

Entering college, everything can be extremely overwhelming but at the same time new and exciting. A majority of young seventeen/eighteen-year-olds are used to having a parent around to make sure they are participating in a sport, eating the right foods … Continue reading

Posted in Feb 27 Nutr Ed Example | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Tired of Dorm Food?

Trying to avoid the “freshman fifteen”? Want to lose weight before spring break? Don’t know how to buy fresh chicken? Look no further. Registered Dietitian Heidi Diller has your back in her blog, “Better than Dorm Food”. When Diller sent her two … Continue reading

Posted in Feb 6 Nutr Related Blog | Tagged , , | Leave a comment