Tag Archives: Health

Don’t Let Your Age Stop You From Reaching Your Health Goals

Whether you are a low-income older adult seeking ways to improve your health and lifestyle or a health educator interested in making a change in someone’s life, Eat Smart, Live Strong is the program for you! Eat Smart, Live Strong is … Continue reading

Posted in March 27 Nutr Curriculum Example | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Guide At A Touch!

I have always been a very indecisive person. Even when it comes to grocery shopping (yes, I take forever to just pick an item!). You know it is that bad when your own little sister shouts in terror “NO! DO … Continue reading

Posted in March 7 Nutr Ed Example | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Mini-fridge Makeover

   As a college student I constantly find myself  pressed for time, under a ton of stress, and eating on the go. For these reasons, it is a constant challenge to avoid bad eating habits like skipping meals or eating … Continue reading

Posted in Feb 27 Nutr Ed Example, Welcome | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Oatmeal It Your Way!

  I remember when I was in the “health junkie” phase. It was about 3 years ago when I got really into having oatmeal for breakfast every single day! I first came across this full time blogger, Kath who is … Continue reading

Posted in Feb 13 Nutr Related Blog | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment