Tag Archives: March 20 Social Marketing

If Kids Could Live 5 Extra Years

I remember hating being indoors as a child, I was always outside riding my bike, exploring through the creek that ran through my backyard, climbing trees, playing soccer, and barely managing to keep out of trouble with my brothers and … Continue reading

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Too Much Sugar!

Coke. Pepsi. Water. Ice tea. Sprite. Fruit drinks. Flavored water. Now, try to think about what kind of drink do you usually get in cafeteria. As an international student, when I first came to the United States, I was so … Continue reading

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Do You Know What You’re Drinking?

In today’s world, social marketing is very crucial tool, especially when it comes marketing certain products or ideas. Not all products use the same approach when it comes to getting people to buy their stuff, and not every product has … Continue reading

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The “truth” About Tobacco

The truth campaign is one of my favorite social marketing campaigns around.  Its pervasiveness and edginess provide the perfect setting for the facts and visualizations that it disseminates to the public in an effort to end smoking completely.  The power … Continue reading

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