Tag Archives: March 27 Nutr Curriculum

Kids gets Smart about Media and Health

Media has a huge influence on the youth of today.  Through television commercials, ads on the computer, movies and celebrities, our youth is being influenced almost every minute to eat certain items, drink certain drinks and act a certain way. While … Continue reading

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Think About Your Family

  Nutrition is important in all years of life. Not only do parent’s need to work on their children’s nutrition; these parents also need to worry about their own nutritional status. The concept of family nutrition is important in every … Continue reading

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Health Education for the Troubled Teens of California

At this point in time, we all know that there are many interacting aspects of health. As educated young adults, we recognize the importance of maintaining a healthy physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual self. One’s health is often in question … Continue reading

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Kids Take Action

I recently found a nutrition curriculum that was developed by American University.  It can be found on the internet at: http://www.american.edu/cas/seth/cvhealth/upload/CVHKidsTakeActionFinal.pdf.  This curriculum is meant to be taught to young kids to teach them how to live healthy lives.  I … Continue reading

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