This week, as promised, I want to introduce you to another excellent tech youtuber, JayzTwoCents.  Last week, I talked about MKBHD, who’s channel centers a lot on mobile tech.  On the other hand, Jay’s channel is all about PC tech.

Source: YouTube

Jay started his channel on a dare from a friend, just to prove that it wouldn’t go anywhere, but now he has almost 2 million subscribers and his own merch.  JayzTwoCents is one of the biggest PC tech channels on YouTube and rightly so. Originally, Jay kept up the YouTube channel on the side, while working with software in a standard full time position.  Then a few years ago, Jay made the life-changing decision to take YouTube on as a full time gig. This has paid off in dividends because it has given him the ability to move to a new house, rent a legitimate studio space for recording and working.  He officially hired a guy named Nick who was sort of “interning” with him for a while before finishing his degree. Jay has expanded the operation to even more employees since then.


That growth is evident in many ways.  Jay’s video quality has stepped up gradually over the years, with better video equipment and more professional sets (compare this video from 4 years ago to this one from this week).  He gets sponsored gear in all the time for reviews or for builds and has done builds for celebrities including Terry Crews and Post Malone.  

Post Malone build | Source: BREAL.TV

You may be asking what a PC channel is all about.  Jay covers PC gear from every angle. He does reviews of new products like graphics cards, processors, motherboards, etc.  He also does comparisons of those sorts of things to determine relative values and the best buys for a given component. He goes to events like CES to check out upcoming changes in the industry and product launches.  Doing actual builds is a large part of the channel as well, whether it be just to test out new parts, show off a case, or to do it for a client. Jay also really enjoys watercooling, so most of his builds include that and he has a lot of tutorial style videos.  Jay is a big encourager that anyone can build PC’s, even having videos of his grade school daughter building her own gaming PC.


All in all, Jay is a very cool guy, who is very passionate about PC tech.  He tends to be a perfectionist who is obsessed with aesthetics and demands only the best quality out of himself and his content.  He keeps his videos light and fun, although they can get somewhat dry every once in a while (such is the nature of the material I suppose).  


If you are at all interesting in PC tech or possibly building your own PC (which I would always recommend over buying prebuilt) definitely check out his channel.  Next week, we’ll be taking a look at Dave2D and possibly some honorable mentions for tech youtubers.