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The End of an Era

We’ve arrived at the conclusion of my 3 part series on my favorite tech Youtubers.  In the first 2 posts, I introduced you to MKBHD and JayzTwoCents. Today, I want to tell you about Dave2D and I’ll even mention a few channels at the end that I find interesting even outside of the tech genre.  

Source: YouTube

Dave Lee a.k.a Dave2D is a Canadian Youtuber with nearly 2 million subscribers who posts shorter tech-centric videos.  Dave differentiates himself from other tech channels because he focuses his coverage on laptops and phones (in fact he has a playlist for both: laptops and phones), similar to how MKBHD covered mostly phones and cars and Jay covered PC components.  The way he covers the tech falls in either direct product reviews or thoughts about technologies such as 5G or product leaks.  Dave also tends to look at laptops in the context of gaming performance, which places him somewhere in the gray area between MKBHD and Jay.  

Dave Lee | Source: YouTube

I think Dave’s channel has a very similar vibe to MKBHD’s, and in fact, the two are friends outside of Youtube, regularly interacting on social media and at times even exchanging content.  The similarity shines through especially in Dave’s aesthetic. He keeps his videos extremely clean, with solid colors broken up with straight lines and vibrant hues. I find this style very appealing and as it does with MKBHD, it lends a certain professional vibe to the videos.  Another awesome part of Dave’s channel that plays into the overall aesthetic are his thumbnails and into animations. If you check out any of his videos, these will surely strike you. All his thumbnails are custom and really add to the draw of the video. Then, once you’ve decided to watch, you are greeted by fun and simply cool animations that always end in the Dave2D logo.  I highly recommend at least checking out the first 30 seconds of a few of his videos to see what I mean. It’s a very small detail and may seem trivial but to me it shows how much care Dave puts into his content.


Like I said, Dave keeps his videos rather short.  Whereas most tech videos will range from 10-20 minutes, Dave’s videos generally last around 5 minutes.  This surely adds to his popularity because you aren’t making such a significant time commitment to watch his videos.  This also means that his videos are denser than most tech channels. He keeps strictly to the important information and cuts to the chase when it comes to a product’s value or whether it’s worth potentially buying.  


There isn’t much more to be said about Dave2D.  He serves up fresh and frequent content covering new developments in the market and gives the scoop on what does it right and what doesn’t.  He cuts to the chase and keeps his videos fun and enticing.


That wraps it up for this Youtuber series.  Let me know in the comments if you check any of these channels out and if so, what you think.  If you’re looking for other good channels, other quality options include: HardwareCanucks and UnboxTherapy.  And of course I have to plug my all-time favorite YouTube channel, Kurzgesagt.  Check it out, you’ll like it.  

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