“Oh no! My flight is in 2 hours and I can’t close my suitcase!”
I feel like everyone new to flying has been through this scenario- you need to be at the airport as soon as humanly possible, yet you’ve not only over-packed, but also packed incorrectly.
Let me save you from this classic tragedy with a few helpful tips!

Allow me to start with the universal problem of over-packing, which is something I definitely suffered with until the past few years. You should really only bring one pair of shoes that you can pull off with any outfit; I recommend a pair of black sneakers. Going off of that point, also try to only pack clothes from the same color family– you can mix and match easier this way, and therefore have to pick less clothing. Don’t forget that you can also do laundry! Chores are probably the last thing anyone is thinking about on vacation, but it can save you so much stress, time, and money from having to pay for taking a second suitcase. Lastly, but most importantly, only pack for plans you definitely have; so many people pack a bathing suit or a fancy dress “just in case”, but there’s really no reason if you can’t imagine yourself genuinely needing it.

Another problem I noticed that I used to have is that I simply didn’t know how to fold clothing for a suitcase (trust me, it’s much different than folding your laundry). You really want to go for efficiency when it comes to packing, which is why you should also pick mostly anti-wrinkle fabrics. Rolling and folding is essential to creating the most space in your luggage; folding your jeans in half lengthwise and then rolling saves much more space than simply folding them into fours. I also really recommend bundling your clothing. For example, placing a pair of shorts and socks on top of a long sleeve and then performing the fold-roll combination will also increase your space, as you now have one slimmer roll rather than two or three equally sized rolls. Don’t forget about stuffing your shoes with socks, too!
Lastly, I wanted to focus on the type of suitcase that’s best to use. Personally, I think suitcases without compartments on the inside are the best; pockets inside take up space and weight that you could be making the most of with your clothing and toiletries. If you’re looking for a new suitcase, opt for an expanding bag with no interior pockets to get the most bang for your buck!
No matter how you decide to pack your bag, you’re probably doing great as long as you don’t miss your flight! I wish everyone the best of luck.
The idea for this blog is so cute! The tips you gave are really helpful and can apply to everyone! And it doesn’t have to be just for flying, it can be for any trip length and destination. It honesty works for just a trip home from college to see your family!
The first part is really useful even in packing for college. I definitely over and under packed in some areas and didn’t maximize on the space I had. I really enjoy learning from your blogs, and every post I add something to my notes for next time I travel!
The suitcase idea is something I had never thought of! I always thought a suitcase with a pocket was a good idea, but if there are no pockets there would be more space in the bag. Will remember if I ever travel.