Who Would Have Thought?

Although I love to talk about cryptocurrencies every post, they have become stagnant in the past week. I will keep you updated on what arises with them in the coming weeks. As you probably know, I am still very bullish on them and do not plan on changing that anytime soon. I would still advise to buy them now because I think we will be looking at huge gains in the coming three or four months. I would say to look at XRP and Bitcoin to make major breaks through.

Image result for vape

Fig1: Vape Devices

However, there has been some crazy news in the financial world in the past days. E-Cigarettes and vaping have taken the world by storm. These devices were originally meant for people to not smoke cigarettes and to eventually quit smoking. However, there purpose has completely changed face. There is a borderline epidemic now with teens and vaping. I personally saw it in my high school; kids would vape everyday in the bathrooms and outside. The security guards had boxes full of jewels and drops that were confiscated from the students. Kids were buying these all the time and buying the cartridges that held the extract.

Image result for vaping in high school

Fig2: 16% of Students Vaping

Naturally, this rise in demand helped the vape companies to make billions of dollars. The top company, Juul, went from being valued at a few million to billions in a very short time. Many firms were buying huge stakes in these companies to ride out this long-standing trend.

However, in recent news the Juuling has been shown to be very dangerous to teens. I want to pause for a second because I am surprised that the world could have been this ignorant. Smoking artificial fluids that are loaded with nicotine and we are surprised? I do not get it.

Anyways, vaping has now killed thirty-nine people even though it is stated that they are not harmful. They U.S. health officials have identified vitamin e acetate as the culprit that has led to a lot of lung injuries. This substance was found in the lungs of all those that had fallen victim to lung injuries. Also, THC, which is found in marijuana products, was found in their lungs as well.

Image result for vitamin e acetate

Fig3: Vitamin E Acetate

Since there is a government institution recommending that people do not vape, I would say now would be a time to short vape stocks. It is only a matter of time before the entire bubble of vape stocks bursts.

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