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TOMS Civic Artifact- Outline of Speech

June 25, 2015 by Olivia Kathleen Richards   


Topic: Toms One for One Campaign

Introduction: What does voting, giving blood and buying Toms shoes have in common?

Thesis Statement: Toms began the One for One campaign to provide free shoes to children affected by the current poverty levels across the globe. With their campaign and usage of rhetorical strategies, the Toms company manages to raise awareness while considering the ethos, pathos and logos of their audience and calling upon them to uphold their own civic duty.

Purpose: The purpose of this civic artifact and contemporary Toms advertisement is to motivate citizens to help the world by purchasing a pair of new shoes.


Body 1: Description

  1. Bringing the audience into the real day to day situation that millions of children live in every day. Use rhetoric and the imagination of the audience to “reel them in.”
  2. History of Toms
  3. Start of the “One for One” campaign


Body 2: Relation to text

  1. As we look to the text and examples presented by the authors of our RCL book, it becomes obvious that Toms calls upon the civic duties of its audience and addresses a prevalent issue that they need help to solve.
  2. Relation to Ancient and Modern Rhetoric- Appeals to the logos, pathos and ethos, of society as a whole, have always been standard and effective modes of persuasion.
    1. Reference to Ideologies
    2. Reference to Civic Commonplaces in America


Body 3: Impact for today and tomorrow

  1. This civic artifact has clearly been successful in that it has definitely inspired members of society to action…even if they were unable to buy a pair of Toms.
  2. Their success is obvious as we analyze the numbers of shoes, bags, glasses and services donated.
  3. 100 giving partners in 70+ countries


Conclusion: Toms Campaign- working to make change in the lives of children across the globe by appealing to our American civic nature with many rhetorical strategies


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