The American Idealists

Image result for ronald reagan cowboy  Image result for barack obama basketball

  1. Introduction:
    1. Reagan: America in 1980: Record inflation, oil crisis, loan crisis, Iranian hostage crisis, Soviet Union, aftermath Watergate and Vietnam, uncertain future
      1. Message of hope: morning in America
    2. Obama: America in 2008: subprime mortgage crisis, great recession, record unemployment, Iraq and Afghanistan, natural disasters, China
      1. Message of hope: Forward
    3. Thesis: While presidents Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan were different people from different times with different perspectives, these two honorable statesmen spent their first four years attempt to rebuild the wounded nation, and in their second campaigns, used similar tactics of hope and optimism.
  2. Ethos:
    1. Reagan and Obama both understood that to make their argument clear, they needed to not just establish their own credibility but their faith and credibility in the American people
    2. Reagan and Obama both saw themselves as one of the people
      1. They cracked jokes, loved sports, and try to humanize the presidency
    3. “Morning in America” showed farmers on tractors, dad’s leaving for work, businessmen in traffic, newlyweds, and people buying homes to shining sea
    4. “Forward” showed high tech factories automobile factories, construction workers, teachers, businessmen, soldiers coming home, people buying homes
  3. Pathos
    1. Reagan believed in the moral good of America, despite its flaws, “a city on a hill”
    2. Obama knew that same truth
    3. Both their campaigns and they as people exhibited the most underrated human quality: optimism
      1. This optimism encouraged a nation
      2. They offered a message of hope
    4. The music, images, and calm words gave comfort to their constituents
  4. Logos
    1. Both gave facts to back up their claims that things were getting better
    2. Reagan showed that inflation had been cut in half, more Americans were working than ever, and progress in the name of freedom had been made behind the iron curtain
    3. Obama showed that unemployment had dropped below 8%, job creation was up, industries were recovering, and our great enemy Osama Bin Laden had been killed
    4. Both admitted that things were not perfect or even ideal, but they were moving forward
  5. Kairos
    1. Understood the context of the time
    2. Reagan knew the US was still a nervous and unsure place recovering in the aftermath of Vietnam, Watergate, and economic turmoil
    3. Obama knew how flustered Americans felt still reeling from the aftermath of 9/11, the wars in the middle east, natural disasters, and then the financial crisis
    4. In easier times these messages wouldn’t have been so powerful
  6. Conclusion:
    1. Restate thesis
    2. Say that the world was better off in the 8 years that followed both initial elections
    3. Beyond finite policies, Reagan and Obama believed the same thing: they believed in us, the American people, and our ability to do amazing things no matter the circumstances.

3 thoughts on “The American Idealists

  1. This analysis is very well-organized. I like how you compare and contrast both subjects’ approach to the same position in office.

  2. I think it is an interesting analysis between the two former presidents. I think one thing you could highlight as far as kairos is even though the nuances of issues were different most of the issues that had gained prominence had to do with either the economy or international affairs. This similarity could also push forth why they used a message of hope.

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